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The rise of bold disruptor and challenger brands

In the world of food and drink, it is becoming increasingly noticed that new disruptor and challenger brands are taking the market by storm. Brands with names that make you look twice, are humorous/puns/a play on words or are quite frankly a bit cheeky are breaking into markets which are highly competitive and previously considered saturated. Apparently encouraging a consumer to make an impulsive, emotional decision rather than a rational one is key in terms of encouraging them to try a new product.

A powerful brand will therefore capture consumers and hopefully also ensure that consumers keep returning to your product. However, so many new brands go through the cost, time and effort of developing the branding, marketing, packaging, website etc. only to find at the point of registering their trade mark that their new brand name is not necessarily free for them to use. There is therefore huge merit in thinking about registering your trade mark as early as possible in the process.

We must have gone through 40 or 50 name ideas, finally settling on one we loved. We took that one right through branding, package design, domain name, website design and socials, only to be scuppered when we tried to register the trademark. We were so dejected.”

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brands & trade marks, food & drink