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New Hydrogen Buses in Northern Ireland

It is exciting to hear that Wrightbus unveiled their new hydrogen-powered double decker bus yesterday. The bus showcases new developments that allow it to be more fuel efficient - providing equivalent range to a diesel bus, exhibit faster refueling - only 8 minutes, and be easier to service and maintain.

This development shows a commitment to net-zero in Northern Ireland and will hopefully allow a significant number of diesel buses to be replaced in the coming years. 

However, from what I recently heard at the Hydrogen Live 2025 conference, the major current challenge for hydrogen vehicles is the limited number of refueling stations, which significantly restricts the areas where they can operate.

It therefore waits to be seen how widely this new technology can be deployed. I am optimistic that there will be some developments in this space in the near future and hope to hear more about this at the Delivering the Hydrogen Economy 2025 conference in Liverpool next week.

Using the latest innovative hydrogen-powertrain innovations and technology, the new bus can be refuelled in just eight minutes and has a range of over 300 miles, a like-for-like replacement to diesel.

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sustainability, climate change, energy & environment, transport, hydrogen, northern ireland