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Marks & Clerk reporting live from Davos - Day 1

Davos day 1!

What a day! I was lucky enough to attend various panel discussions and networking events today. Not to mention a snowy forest walk and campfire lunch! Only in Davos!! As with last year, Davos is absolutely buzzing and is a real melting pot of industries and people from all over the world. It’s a great place to be. 

What I’ve seen so far:

  • Sustainability - I had some great conversations with companies who are keen to venture into a more sustainable future, and it was great to discuss the IP/trademark considerations with them. 
  • AI is mentioned in almost every panel discussion and is a real buzz word. I think almost every panel I saw mentioned AI and its impact, or potential impact on every industry and sector. I was keen to add my IP insights wherever possible and connect with as many people as possible.

Another jam-packed day tomorrow - stay tuned for more updates!

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davos, wef25, artificial intelligence, brands & trade marks, climate change, creative industries, digital transformation, sustainability