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M&C in the news: The future of finance? Financial services in the metaverse

While the concept of the metaverse often brings to mind virtual collectibles and digital wearables, its application extends far beyond, offering immersive experiences that can educate and engage consumers.

Financial institutions, already adept at transitioning from physical to online banking, are well-positioned to adopt metaverse strategies. By offering engaging and rewarding experiences beyond traditional banking, they can accelerate consumer acceptance of virtual financial environments.

In a recent piece for Finextra, Trainee Trade Mark Attorney Ann Lee highlights significant challenges, particularly around intellectual property (IP) and trademark issues in a borderless digital world.

Read the full article below.

As the metaverse becomes increasingly popular and accessible, there is clearly value for businesses to move with their audience into this new frontier.

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newsroom, m&c newsroom, m&c in the news, metaverse, web3, data & connectivity, digital transformation, financial services, brands & trade marks