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New Plans for Green Hydrogen in the UK

In another exciting development for Hydrogen Week, Lhyfe have unveiled plans to construct a green hydrogen production plant in North Tyneside.1

Green hydrogen, which relies on the electrolysis of water using renewable electricity, is typically considered the ultimate goal for reaching a sustainable hydrogen economy. It is therefore great to see this new project being developed. It will nicely compliment other larger scale projects relying on blue hydrogen generation (i.e. using fossil fuels but capturing the waste CO2), which many companies are using to establish their overall hydrogen infrastructure in the UK. For example, Equinor's plans for a 600 MW site in hull.

Lhyfe already has operational plants in France and is currently expanding across Europe. This new facility in the North East of England, which is supported by Shepherd Offshore, will have an initial capacity of 20 MW and will be capable of producing up to eight tonnes of green hydrogen per day.2 The primary aim will be to supply businesses across the UK seeking to decarbonise their manufacturing and transport operations, which is a key challenge in the race to new zero. 

The project is still in early stages and the plans will require approval. However, we will watch this space with interest.


The plant aims to produce up to eight tonnes of green hydrogen daily, with the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in industrial and transportation sectors.

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