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Hydrogen on the Humber

Just in time for UK Hydrogen Week, Equinor have been granted planning permission for H2H Saltend, a 600 MW blue hydrogen plant and carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility located at Saltend Chemicals Park in Hull. The plant is part of efforts to decarbonise the park and is also planned to be linked into the larger East Coast CCS network.

This follows on from last month's granting of planning approval of the first phase of the 1GW Stanlow refinery blue hydrogen plant, linked to the HyNet cluster. Both projects are awaiting final investment decisions.

Equinor’s H2H Saltend has become the second major blue hydrogen project — and the first linked to the East Coast Cluster carbon capture and storage (CCS) network — to secure planning permission from UK authorities

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climate change, energy & environment, chemistry, yes, sustainability, hydrogenweek24