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Day 2: Marks & Clerk reporting from Davos

It’s my final day in Davos today, so I am keen to pack in as much as possible...

This morning I spent my time with and watched several start-ups (including Kelly Vero CEO/CTO of NAK3D) pitch their incredible businesses to a panel of investors. It has been fantastic to learn all about these businesses whilst also meeting and networking with the founders at Davos Innovation Week.

My afternoon will be spent between The Female Quotient event at The Equality Lounge who have organised a jam packed afternoon of brilliant panel discussions as well as networking sessions, focused on gender equality and women in business. I will also be spending some time at the unDavos Luma AI and the Metaverse session

I look forward to following up with those that I have connected with and I have loved meeting people from all over the world, from so many different sectors. 

The themes of artificial intelligence and the metaverse have shaped each event I have been to so far. As these topics present so many IP protection and enforcement questions, it’s resulted in some super interesting conversations on the ground. The metaverse is also the key theme of the first episode of our new podcast series ‘Blurred Lines: Physical and Digital Fashion’ that launches tomorrow - stay tuned!

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fashion & retail, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, brands & trade marks, yes