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Eastern Agri-Food Innovation Launchpad open for funding applications

Food security and the environmental impact of agriculture are very hot topics at the moment, and companies and research institutes from the East of England are critical innovators in these fields. This is why it is great news to see up to £2 million is being invested in projects with the potential to contribute towards these aims. The Eastern Agri-Food Innovation Launchpad will provide grants to projects from the agri-tech, agri-biotech and food-tech innovation cluster across the East.

The Launchpad is supported by a number of institutes with whom Marks & Clerk already work, and we look forward to seeing more exciting developments across the cluster helped by this initiative.

Applications for funding are being accepted from now until 5 December, and more information on eligibility can be found at the UK Government website.  

Projects must make a significant contribution to one or more of the following: - enhancing the productivity of primary crops, the bioeconomy, livestock, aquaculture or ornamental plants - biotechnologies related to agriculture, food and nutrition - food that promotes safe, healthy and nutritious diets - resource-efficient production methods for low-emission foods

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