Eagerly anticipated - and much appreciated - updates to the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design guidelines have just been published today! Updates feature new case law and clarification of practice points which make the guidelines more straightforward to use. Great news for practitioners and customers alike. Check them out here. Expect further updates to follow 👀
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The EUIPO 2023 Guidelines go live!
The Office’s current practice is reflected in a series of Guidelines that are intended to be of practical use both to Office staff in charge of the various procedures and to users of the Office’s services. The Office issues a revision of the Guidelines on a yearly basis. See the Guidelines, Editor’s Note and General Introduction, paragraph 3 , for further information about the revision process of the Office’s Guidelines. The Office’s Guidelines are the main point of reference for users of the European Union trade mark system and the Community design system, and for professional advisers who want to ensure they have the latest information on our examination practices. They have been drawn up to reflect our Office practice in the most frequent scenarios. They contain general instructions, which have to be adapted to the particularities of a case.