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Celebrating LGBT History Month: Jon "Maddog" Hall - inventor, educator, and promoter of free software

Jon “Maddog” Hall is recognized for his advocacy of open-source software and his contributions to the Linux community. As an inventor, educator, and passionate promoter of free software, Hall’s work has had a lasting impact on the tech industry. But beyond his professional accomplishments, his personal story also sheds light on his important role as an openly gay figure in the tech world.

Hall’s journey into the tech industry began in the 1990s, when he became involved with Linux, the open-source operating system created by Linus Torvalds. His work as the executive director of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) further helped establish Linux as a mainstream tool for businesses and developers around the globe.

What makes Hall’s story even more inspiring is that he is openly gay. In a traditionally male-dominated field where LGBTQ+ representation has been limited, Hall’s openness has helped pave the way for others who may not always feel welcomed or included in the tech world. 

Favourite quote: “We have to accept that there are people different from us and that even if those people are small in numbers, their contributions to all can be immense.”

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