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Foiling the problems with tankers...

The amazing efficiency of foil sails have recently been in the public eye during the America's Cup. However, can they power a tanker as well? It seems as though they can, and rather effectively. With the University of Southampton predicting an efficiency improvement of around 30%, the Fastrig from Smart Green Shipping is an impressive looking piece of kit that folds up from the deck of the ship, as and when needed! 

Designed and manufactured in the UK, and made from 100% recyclable materials, the environmental credentials of this product seem to be excellent, and they reckon that there are already 40,000 vessels that could benefit from having this technology installed on their decks. 

Best of luck for the last few weeks of the sea trials! This should be a breeze!

#netzero #technology

The sea trials of FastRig will conclude in November. The purpose of the sea trials is to corroborate lab-based modelling by the University of Southampton that predicted fuel and greenhouse gas savings with FastRig installed of up to 30% per year on transatlantic routes.

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