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Hydrogen train trials in Japan

Trains in Japan are impressive. The Shinkansen trains, or “bullet” trains as we know them, are some of the fastest in the world. Furthermore, in Japan, their trains are pretty much always on time. Now they are introducing the cleanest emission trains - hydrogen fuelled, fuel-cell hybrid trains that just emit water! Similar trains have been developed elsewhere too, but these new trains for Japan - known as the HYBARI, are now undergoing extensive tests between Tokyo and Kanagawa, and will help Japan meet its zero emissions target by 2050.

These trains have been developed for the East Japan Railway Company using fuel cell systems from Toyota Motor and a hybrid drive system from Hitachi

JR East have unveiled HYBARI, an advanced twelve-car train with a fuel cell and battery system, in a major step towards sustainable railway operations.

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transport, sustainability, patents, energy & environment, climate change, chemistry