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| 1 minute read

Limbic Access - a proven product

It’s great to see a positive news story about AI, particularly one about a British company that is helping patients access treatments to help their mental health.

As Limbic AI describe on their website, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health disorder this year yet there’s only 1 therapist per 100,000 people to support them. This is particularly pressing when one also considers inequality in access to treatments.

Limbic AI currently have two publicly available products advertised on their website - Limbic Access for ‘AI enabled self-referral’ and Limbic Care a ‘group therapy companion’.  Limbic Access has recently been the subject of a study (published in Nature Medicine) which shows impressive results.

 “Closing the accessibility gap to mental health treatment with a personalized self-referral chatbot” studied the effect of Limbic Access. The headline result is that using Limbic Access increased referrals by 15% on average (compared to 6% in a control sample) with an even better improvement in certain minorities such as non-binary or ethnic minority individuals.

The AI revolution has definitely arrived and it seems that AI is being directed to new fields each day. It’s good to see evidence that an AI tool, Limbic Access, is delivering on AI’s promise!

The headline result is that using Limbic Access increased referrals by 15% on average


artificial intelligence, medical technologies