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Big plans for Melbourn Science Park

I live very near Melbourn Science Park and frequently drive past it on the way to Royston, so I'm interested to see plans for significant expansion. I'll have to pop in when it's finished and try the new walking routes (and maybe then the gastropub).

One of the joys of being a patent attorney in Cambridge is that the area is teeming with small tech businesses generating countless innovative ideas, and the best part of the job is getting to see what they've come up with. I hope this new phase of development in Melbourn will only strengthen that tradition and bring even more new technology, to everyone's benefit, in the years to come.

I'm particularly pleased to see the emphasis on sustainable development and support for local wildlife, which I hope is borne out when work begins in earnest. Another joy of Cambridge is the beautiful wetlands after all!

The joint venture partnership between Bruntwood, Legal & General and Greater Manchester Pension Fund has created a masterplan to redevelop Melbourn Science Park totalling £250 million, providing space for up to 75 businesses to grow

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