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Marks & Clerk in the news: UK to rejoin EU’s Horizon science programme

The UK's renewed participation in the EU's Horizon science programme is being hailed as a win for both the UK and the EU. According to Gareth Williams in comments recently published by the Cambridge Independent, this development is not only about the funding but also about the collaborative opportunities that have been sorely missed.  

Williams emphasises that science and innovation thrive on cross-border collaboration, where ideas and expertise can be shared freely. It is this exchange of knowledge that fuels progress and helps tackle the key scientific and technical challenges we face as a global society. The loss of such collaborative opportunities has been damaging to all parties involved.

Gareth Williams, partner based at global intellectual property firm Marks & Clerk’s Cambridge office, said: “This is definitely a win for both the UK and the EU. While the loss of funding to UK research has been to some extent balanced by internal funding from UK Research & Innovation, the loss of collaborative opportunities has been damaging to all parties. “Science and innovation depend on exactly this cross-pollination across borders – it isn’t just about the money. It will be very encouraging to see UK researchers and institutes continue to contribute in this way to some of the key scientific and technical challenges facing us all.”


newsroom, cambridge, patents, life sciences, yes