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Marks & Clerk in the news: ‘A win for innovation across Europe’: UK re-entry into EU Horizon welcomed

Researchers are celebrating the news that the UK has re-joined the Horizon Europe research programme as an associate member. Government officials have described the news as a ‘landmark moment’ for scientific and space collaboration, as months of uncertainty around the UK’s research terms have now ended.

UK based researchers now have access to all of Horizon Europe’s funding opportunities which is estimated at 2.6 billion (except the EIC fund).  

Insights into Gareth Williams and Graham Burnett-Hall's leading expertise have been published by Food Navigator. Within the piece, the pair praise the news that the UK is re-entering the fold, as they emphasise that the announcement promises to significantly enhance innovation in the UK and promote collaboration between research groups across a plethora of countries to work together on global challenges.

“While the loss of funding to UK research has been to some extent balanced by internal funding from UK Research & Innovation, the loss of collaborative opportunities has been damaging to all parties,”​ said Williams. “Science and innovation depend on exactly this cross-pollination across borders – it isn’t just about the money. It will be very encouraging to see UK researchers and institutes continue to contribute in this way to some of the key scientific and technical challenges facing us all.”


chemistry, life sciences, artificial intelligence, climate change, energy & environment, food & drink, patents, yes, newsroom