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Evo 3D receives funding to become the “UK’s first” manufacturer of large-format 3D printers.

Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM) is a polymer 3D printing technique suitable for use in industries such as aerospace, automotive, energy and marine.

The Evo One Large Format Additive Manufacturing (LFAM) project will involve the creation of a gantry style 3D printer which will be “very fast”, and modular to switch from pellet extrusion to filament extrusion.

Funding will come from Innovate UK, and the project includes Rolls-Royce, Baker Hughes, and National Manufacturing Institute Scotland.

At Marks & Clerk we are familiar with patenting in a range of 3D printing technologies, and we guide our clients through the many considerations involved, such as the need to ensure protection for related software and 3D printing files. 

According to NMIS, LFAM (Large Format Additive Manufacturing) is a commercial 3D printing technique that creates large volume polymer components to be used in a variety of industries including aerospace, automotive, energy and marine. The institute says that while countries such as the USA, Germany, and China have “embraced” this approach, there are currently no manufacturers of large format 3D printers in the UK, and the country only accounts for around 5% of the global AM market, which the UK government aims to increase to 8% by 2025.