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Has Toyota supercharged the battery game?

Some big claims are being made in this article about a new battery technology from Toyota. A slightly premature jump into hydrogen fuel cells (has anyone seen a Mirai in the flesh?) has left Toyota years behind their rivals in pushing battery electric vehicles. 

Now, in this latest announcement, Toyota may have just taken a huge leap forward. The problems with existing batteries are well-known - and a large part of why every new car at the moment seems to be an SUV - but if they have genuinely cracked lightweight, high-capacity, fast-charging batteries, then this could be the ICE replacement everyone has been searching for.  

We know, by law, that ICE cars are on their way out, but the growth in battery vehicles still feels to have been built on slightly shaky ground. (See Fuel cells are nipping at battery cars rear wheels.) This development (or most likely, the developments which stand on this one's shoulders) could be the future standard. This may also mean a return to interesting and varied car styles again! 

Electric hot-hatch anyone?

“Often there are breakthroughs at the prototype stage but then scaling it up is difficult,” David Bailey, a professor of business economics at the University of Birmingham said. “If it is a genuine breakthrough it could be a gamechanger, very much the holy grail of battery vehicles.”

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chemistry, energy & environment, mechanical engineering