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| 1 minute read

Finally, H2 cars are gathering momentum in the UK

If anyone else remembers James May testing the GM Hy-Wire concept car over 20 years ago, then you may also be thinking the following: 

1. Was that really over 20 years ago? Oh no... and 

2. Why haven't we actually seen hydrogen fuel cell vehicles on the road in all this time?

Although the first answer is yes, the second is much more nuanced. Development of hydrogen fuel cells has been significant for years, with the Japanese car industry being the main driving force, but has always felt like tomorrow's technology. Niche vehicles, concept cars, and research platforms have come and gone, but commercial fuel cell cars on UK roads is still yet to happen.

I was lucky enough to attend an event on Automotive and Hydrogen technologies at MIRA Technology Park in December, where the overwhelming feeling in the room was that the technology has been there for years. What's been missing is fuel. This announcement from BMW is exciting, not just because the cars will be tested here in the UK, but because we might finally see the infrastructure arrive to support it all. A quick check on H2.Live shows just how far behind we are lagging our neighbours. 

Finally, finally, we may be seeing some progress...

Hydrogen is the missing piece in the jigsaw when it comes to emission-free mobility. One technology on its own will not be enough to enable climate-neutral mobility worldwide

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