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Florin Udrea: Marks & Clerk’s latest piece on innovation in Cambridge published by Business Weekly

Cambridge boasts an almost unique combination in the UK with its ability to attract talented people from around the world to come and live and work here, and the entrepreneurial spirit of the University of Cambridge itself. This combination is epitomised by Florin Udrea, Professor of Semiconductor Engineering at the University and founder of five spin-out companies since 2000.

In our latest piece published by Business Weekly, Mash-Hud Iqbal and George Christian discuss how Florin Udrea, has been the key player in numerous technological breakthroughs made in the city of Cambridge. 

‘Florin co-founded Cambridge GaN Devices (CGD) with his former PhD student Dr. Giorgia Longobardi. CGD’s ICeGaNTM transistor is based on an alternative type of transistor, called a high electron mobility transistor (HEMT), and employs the material gallium nitride (GaN) rather than silicon. According to CGD, its product can be easily operated using standard components that are already employed for MOSFETs, while also being more than 99 per cent energy efficient. Florin and the CGD team hope that their device will facilitate the adoption of these highly energy efficient devices, which will be crucial in the drive for net-zero emissions. This year, Florin was inducted into the ISPSD Hall of Fame at their prestigious conference, alongside receiving awards for Best Paper and Best Poster, the first time in its 35-year history these two awards have been given to the same person.


yes, digital transformation, cambridge, newsroom