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Marks & Clerk announced as a corporate partner of The Biospheric Network

Bruntwood SciTech, the 50:50 JV between Bruntwood and Legal and General, has launched a nationwide initiative to connect experienced mentors, advisors and corporate partners with high-growth businesses in the UK life sciences sector.

The Biospheric Network will support customers within Bruntwood SciTech’s network of more than 500 businesses, based across innovation districts in cities including Manchester and Cheshire’s Alderley Park, and we are delighted to be on board as a corporate partner. 

As the UK’s leading property provider dedicated to the growth of the science and technology sector, Bruntwood SciTech has launched the network, which will see established entrepreneurs and senior executives provide funded growth-oriented support including business consultancy, deep sector-specialised networking, and access to finance, to some of the most promising businesses in the life science sector. The initiative's first cohort for 2023 is made up of 15 corporate partners and 21 mentors, with the total number of advisors and mentors expected to reach 20 and 30 respectively by 2024 – at which point the network will be maintained at 50 participants. Corporate partners already signed up to the initiative include: Acceleris KPMG, Brabners, Coulter Partners, Deloitte, Granted Consultancy, Leaman Life Sciences, Marks & Clerk, Oyster Venture Partners, Pinsent Masons, Praetura Ventures, RSM, Shore Capital, Singular Talent, SP Angel, Ward Hadaway.


northwest, scitech, start-ups & spin-outs, north west england