23 Mar, 2022 Should you add the ability to terminate Franchise Agreements as a result of war, sanctions, pandemics...? By Kirsten Gilbert Franchise agreements are an excellent way to extend your brand into a new territory in a way that takes advantage of local knowledge and...
11 Mar, 2022 EPO affirms provisions to deal with dislocation due to military aggression against Ukraine By Ed Round The EPO has published a notice, reminding users of ways to mitigate against communication difficulties experienced due to an "exceptional...
09 Mar, 2022 Russia responding to sanctions with threats to suspend IP rights By Ed Round Russia has now responded to the economic sanctions recently imposed by various countries, following the military invasion of Ukraine. The...
08 Mar, 2022 Hydrogen's moment back in the limelight By Marks & Clerk The past year of energy price rises and the events in Ukraine have brought conversations regarding national energy supply to the fore...
03 Mar, 2022 EPO and UKIPO make statements on Ukraine By Julian Asquith The EPO has issued a statement on its website entitled "Standing together for peace in Europe", announcing that it has frozen...