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Travelling as the crow flies - the beginning of air taxis?

The idea of flying cars in the future always seemed fantastical to me, even as a child. But the budding industry appears to be quite literally taking off, with an application for the UK's first testing vertiport being given the green light. Best of all, it's right here in Oxfordshire!

A vertiport is an airport specifically for the vertical take-off and landing of aircraft. Because the take-off and landing of the aircraft is vertical, a far smaller space is needed than for a traditional airplane. Add in electricity as a fuel source, and suddenly you have a sustainable electric vehicle which doesn't have to worry about rush hour traffic or roadworks. 

One of the partners in the application for the vertiport recently showcased the first electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft that will fly at the vertiport. The aircraft will have a range of 100 miles, and as it doesn't need much space to land, it is ideal for multiple trips across large cities, hence the idea of air taxis.

Although there will likely be many other hurdles to jump before the commercialisation of this technology, I eagerly await seeing these aircraft being tested in Oxfordshire, and am optimistic of seeing the option, “as the crow flies” on navigation apps.

"The vertiport green light enables us to continue to host such aviation innovation and advance a world where sustainable and accessible electric aviation is in reach for all, with Bicester Motion at the centre."

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sustainability, transport, aviation