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Sub-5 minute electric vehicle battery charge time

As someone who has owned an EV for just over a year, I'm well aware of the current challenges faced by users when it comes to using them on a day to day basis. From range anxiety, to spending time waiting for the car to charge when you're out and about. Whilst the charging infrastructure is improving, along with efficiency of the motors, the battery technology is one area that is in need of rapid development.

Energy densities is one area in which the technology needs to be improved if EVs are to be a viable and long term alternative to fossil fuel based transportation.

Another area in need to development is the rate of charging the battery. “Filling up” in 30+ minutes is not something that will encourage current petrol and diesel drivers to convert to electric vehicles; owning an EV brings along with it a very different mindset in terms of planning longer trips and current battery manufacturers need to help bridge that gap to help people to move over to owning an EV.

However, this is where Nyobolt, a Cambridge-based UK Start-up, step in. They are developing an electric car battery that can charge from 10% to 80% in four minutes and 37 seconds. In the lab, it has been demonstrated to go from 0% to 100% in just six minutes. Less time than it takes to go and grab a coffee and a rest break when you're on the go.

Whilst the technology will take some time to filter into the mainstream, it's encouraging to see development in this field.


An electric car battery developed by UK start-up Nyobolt has successfully charged from 10% to 80% in four minutes and 37 seconds in its first live demonstration. It was achieved with a specially-built concept sports car on a test track in Bedford, and is part of industry-wide efforts to get electric vehicles (EVs) charging more quickly. By comparison, an existing Tesla supercharger can charge a car battery to 80% in 15-20 minutes. Experts say eliminating so-called "range anxiety" is key to increasing uptake of EVs - but also stress the importance of improving the charging infrastructure.

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