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| 1 minute read

Jumping Genes!

This is a potentially exciting new development in the world of genome engineering. Researchers have used bacterial transposons - mobile genetic elements which can self-insert into the genome - to deliver a relatively long DNA sequence into the genome of E. coli, as well as in test tube experiments. IS110 and IS1111 use RNA sequences to target the genome, and to carry the DNA cargo sequence, so it is possible to reprogram them in much the same way as CRISPR-Cas9 can be reprogrammed. Importantly, however, not only is the transposon system capable of delivering long sequences, but it does not rely on using the cell's own DNA repair mechanisms. Both of these suggest a major new genome engineering system may be on the horizon.

Jumping genes, incidentally, were discovered by Barbara McClintock who was awarded the Nobel prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983 for her work with transposons in maize - their movement in the genome can lead to variegated colouring of maize kernels, resulting in startlingly beautiful ears of corn

Of course, as the quotation below indicates, these are still early days, and translating the system to work in human or other eukaryotic genomes may still be some way off. Nonetheless, this is hugely promising research.    

The work on IS110 and IS1111 is “beautiful”, Long says. “But I really hope that in a few months, they’ll say it’s working in mice,” he adds. “Then, let’s have a cup of coffee.”


biotech, life sciences, universities & research bodies