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M&C in the news: Making IP rights more accessible: A new era for the European Patent Office

IP protection often feels unaffordable for start-ups, with many SME's feeling reluctant to devote funds towards uncertain patent applications and legal proceedings. Yet IP is an essential investment in the long-term future of businesses, and all innovators deserve the ability to defend their intellectual property. 

In this article for World Finance, Senior Associate, Annabel Williams, takes a look at a new fee structure introduced by the European Patent Office (EPO) for ‘micro-entities’, which makes IP rights more accessible. This scheme offers a 30% reduction reduction in payable fees across patent prosecution, including filing, examination, search, designation, grant, and renewal fees. 

The full article can be read below on page 106. 

IP protection is an essential investment in the long-term future of businesses, and all innovators deserve the ability to defend their intellectual property.

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