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The Beckhams 2 - Counterfeiters 0

In the last week, both David and Victoria Beckham have been successful in actions against multiple counterfeiters. 

Victoria took action against over 50 fake websites operating under the name “victoriabeckhambeauty" at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) and Mediation Centre. WIPO considered that this activity “constitute[s] a pattern of abusive conduct of bad faith”. It seems that all of the websites were registered on the same day by the same 6 people. All of the domains have now been transferred to Victoria. 

Meanwhile David, via his company DB Ventures, secured a default judgment against 44 defendants selling counterfeit goods such as clothing, fragrance, footballs, eyewear and watches on various online platforms including Amazon, eBay and Etsy. The Court awarded £8,000 for each infringement, although this is much less than the £240million that DB Ventures were seeking in damages. 


"[the sale of counterfeit goods] poses a real threat to DBV's brand, and affects the sustainability of its business. It also affects individuals and companies who unwittingly purchase them"