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M&C in the news: Start-ups must double down on IP in 2024 to ensure long term success

In 2024, the start-up landscape is evolving at lightning speed, and safeguarding your intellectual property (IP) is more critical than ever. Your IP distinguishes you from the competition, helps attract investors, fosters a positive approach towards growth and expansion and helps you maintain a competitive edge. 

Last year, we were proud to harness Marks & Clerk's expertise into a digestible and practical guide to IP for start-ups: The IP Driven Start-up by Robert Lind and it's been incredibly encouraging to see how well those messages continue to resonate with the business community. 

The IP Driven Start-up is free to read on our website can be accessed here and Robert's advice for the start-up community in 2024, as featured in Business Express today, can be found below. 


Start-ups are under greater pressure during this challenging economic period but acting now to increase the value of their enterprises will safeguard founders for the future. IP assets – particularly registered IP assets including patents and trademarks – have a tangible value that directly correlates to the overall value of a company. And if founders take a sensible approach to pursuing protection, the value gained can and should be many multiples of the investment put into securing the asset.


newsroom, patents, brands & trade marks, start-ups & spin-outs, yes