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1-MW scale solid oxide electrolyser

It is always exciting to see something that you have worked on becoming a commercial reality. I was therefore particularly pleased to see that Ceres have successfully demonstrated a 1 MW scale electrolyser utilising their revolutionary solid oxide cell technology at partner AVL’s site in Germany.

With their electrolyser's class-leading efficiency, Ceres and thier partners have utilised their advanced technologies and knowhow to enable their demonstrator to produce green hydrogen approximately 25% more efficiently than incumbent technologies. 

Alongside their state-of-the-art 240m2 hydrogen fuel cell and electrolysis test facility in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, UK, which opened in July 2023, these are exciting times for Ceres. We look forward to helping them expand their IP portfolio within this critically important area of technology - all part of the UK's decarbonisation efforts for net zero. 

Are you also working on green technologies? We are available to help you too on your journey. 

#hydrogen #technology #COP28 #NetZero #ClimateChange #Innovation #Patents #Designs #trademarks 

“Ceres’ advancements in solid oxide electrolysis technology underscore our ability to drive fast, tangible progress in the green hydrogen sector. This milestone is testament to the significant expertise within our technology team and to our ability to build strong collaborations with strategic partners to proactively shape the future of clean energy.”

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chemistry, climate change, designs, energy & environment, mechanical engineering, patents, transport