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Applying for patent protection? Sifted tackles this important question...

Browsing through my latest email newsletter from Sifted to learn more about the current movers and shakers on the European technology scene, I was delighted to find an article dedicated to the question of whether or not patent protection should be applied for (and when). My raison d'être; my Daseinsberechtigung; my…you get the idea.

The article covers all the major points that should be carefully considered and clearly states the downsides that might apply if a decision is taken not to pursue patent protection. Procedural timing is touched upon as well as costs, though it is on the latter point that I believe the description of the process as being “super expensive” to be not entirely accurate. Yes, obtaining patent protection is expensive (typically into five-figure sums) but just how expensive is determined by many factors, including the geographical scope of the portfolio (i.e. how many patent applications are being applied for) and the quality and content of the initial patent specification, off which the whole process hangs and the scope of granted rights is based on. The better quality the information provided to a patent attorney at the outset for drafting a patent specification, for example, the fewer iterations are typically required to finalize that specification in readiness for filing at a patent office to kick-off the process, and therefore the fewer chargeable hours will be billed. Furthermore, a forward-thinking patent firm, such as here at Marks & Clerk, will be able to offer fee arrangements and service offerings designed to work with, for example, early stage companies, as we have an understanding and appreciation of the financial pressures that are often faced at the outset.  

Have a read of the article.  And when you have, if you have any follow-up questions or have an idea you would like to discuss (in confidence!), please don't hesitate to get in touch with me at or any of my colleagues in the UK or overseas that can be found here:

Picture this: you come up with a brand new technology to solve a problem that people have been puzzling over for years. Perhaps it’s a new drug to treat cancer, or a piece of machinery to accelerate carbon removal. You can’t wait to reveal it to the world — but when you do, another company nabs the idea from you and builds something from your intellectual property (IP). Dream over.


patents, start-ups & spin-outs, universities & research bodies