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M&C in the news: The fuel behind the AI revolution: Marks & Clerk’s annual AI Report

This year, AI has dominated the headlines. Generative AI, such as deepfakes and ChatGPT, has caused excitement and controversy in equal measure as society wrestles with both its potential as well as the legal and ethical questions it raises. 

As a leader in the space, Marks & Clerk has been at the forefront of the European Patent Office’s (EPO’s) engagement with the patent profession as the firm tries to bring some legal certainty and consistency to examining AI patent applications across this rapidly evolving landscape.

We are thrilled that the firm's third annual AI report has been featured in Maddyness; the go-to magazine for entrepreneurs and innovators. Please contact Mike Williams and David Robinson any regarding AI and Intellectual Property enquiries. 

Growing public attention is mirrored by strong growth in AI patent filings with the number of AI patent publications at the EPO increasing by around 17% between 2021 and 2022, according to our annual AI Report. It also reveals that practical applications of AI are an increasing focus for industry, demonstrating significant investment that reflects AI’s growing impact on the global economy. As AI’s usefulness increases, it is clear that companies are eager to protect their innovations in this area.


newsroom, artificial intelligence, digital transformation, epo patent oppositions, patents, yes