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2023 Earthshot Prize Winners announced

The winners of this year’s Earthshot Prize were announced at an awards ceremony in Singapore on 12 September.

Launched by Prince William in 2020, the initiate aims to search for innovative solutions to the World’s environmental challenges, with each of the 5 winners awarded £1 million to develop and scale their proposed solutions.

This year, the 15 finalists included a number of technology companies as well as social enterprises and non-profits, highlighting the need for a diverse range of solutions to the challenges ahead.

Our energy & environment team has, for decades, been providing IP support to individuals and organisations looking to resolve environmental challenges and so it is also unsurprising that a number of the finalists have invested in intellectual property (IP) to not only seek protection for their innovation, but also assist them in attracting the investment and manage the collaboration with industry that they need to scale quickly and sustainably.

Can intellectual property help accelerate the race to net zero? Visit our Energy Transition hub to find out.

Meet the incredible innovators from this year’s five winners of The Earthshot Prize and discover the amazing stories that inspire their work.


climate change, energy & environment, start-ups & spin-outs, yes