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Marks & Clerk in the news: Room temperature superconductivity in sight

Our latest article by Giles Pinnington has been featured by The Patent Lawyer Magazine and discusses a potential breakthrough in conductivity temperatures. If these findings prove to be correct and reproducible, it could be one of the most significant discoveries - and indeed patents - of recent times. This groundbreaking development has the potential to revolutionise material science and ignite a race to optimise the materials for various applications, explore alternative compositions, and improve the manufacturing process.

While reproducing the material has proven challenging based on the procedures provided in the pre-print and patent documents, it is anticipated that there will be numerous advancements in the manufacturing process. The replication difficulties open up opportunities for scientists and researchers to enhance the manufacturing techniques and overcome the current limitations. Additionally, computer modeling has already indicated potential improvements in materials, further expanding the possibilities for new discoveries.

This exciting development in conductivity temperatures presents immense potential for various industries. Improved materials with enhanced conductivity could have far-reaching applications in fields such as electronics, energy storage, renewable energy and many more. 

Giles' insights shed light on the significance of this breakthrough in the full article below. 

If the findings are reproduced and found to be correct, this could be one of the most fundamental discoveries and patents of recent times and will no doubt lead to a rush to optimize the materials for different uses, find alternative compositions, and improvements in the manufacturing process. It has so far proven tricky to reproduce the material on the basis of the procedures provided in the pre-print and patent documents, so I expect that there will be a number of improvements in the process of manufacturing the material, and, since the computer modeling has already suggested potential improved materials, there is certainly a lot of scope for more discoveries.


chemistry, energy & environment, patents, yes, newsroom