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Rail investment in South Wales

Investment in rail innovation continues in Wales. This time it is a new Railway Research and Innovation Centre at the Global Centre for Rail Excellence (GCRE) in South Wales.

The funding for this new innovation centre has been provided by the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UKRPIF). It is part of £30M from the fund that will help to establish the second world-leading railway research and innovation facility. The other centre is a new Centre of Excellence for Railway Through-Life Engineering in Yorkshire.

A consortium of universities led by the University of Birmingham will be developing the new innovation centre, with an aim to focus on sustainability, safety, and efficiency of the rail industry. 

More information is provided by Rail Technology Magazine's article below.

#innovation #transport #rail #patents


A consortium of universities led by the University of Birmingham has been awarded £15 million to establish a new Railway Research and Innovation Centre at the Global Centre for Rail Excellence (GCRE) in South Wales.


climate change, designs, digital transformation, energy & environment, mechanical engineering, patents, transport, universities & research bodies, yes