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Marks & Clerk in the news: Tech startups must not underestimate the power of IP in 2023

We have been overwhelmed by the positive reaction to our new e-book, The IP Driven Start-up by Robert Lind, released yesterday. Thank you to everyone who has already taken the time to download a copy.

The book emphasises what founders need to put in place at the outset to secure their IP assets and ensure that maximum value is obtained at the point of exit. It also considers the steps that need to be taken to manage growth and avoid IP assets slipping through the net. Some highlights have been included in this new article (below) in Startups Magazine: Tech startups must not underestimate the power of IP in 2023.

“For many startups, critical IP assets will simply have been overlooked in the journey from foundation to exit, meaning that the company’s value will be determined primarily by unsecured know-how, trade secrets, people and relevant contracts.   “Capturing generated IP often doesn’t feel affordable to startups and during periods of extreme economic uncertainty, the unpredictable process of securing IP assets further underscores these reservations. However, expenditure on IP should be viewed as an investment in the long-term future of the business, as a means by which to enhance its commercial value.  “The inherent value of an IP portfolio must though be coupled with precise management and presentation. Being able to demonstrate a systematic approach to IP, with written procedures, is critical, as is the retention of properly signed documentation – without which the value of securing the IP can be undermined.”


start-ups & spin-outs, patents