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UK spinouts experiencing seller's remorse?

Recent research by UK VC Air Street Capital suggests that many UK university spinouts are dissatisfied with their experience.

Expectations from UK universities as to equity and governance, and the imposition of additional financial conditions, are all cited as reasons for low satisfaction from UK spinouts.

Other recent research by data analyst firm Beauhurst ranks The University of Oxford as the top UK university for turning academic research into spinout companies.

Might the number of spinouts fall in coming years if a negative perception exists amongst founders and the investment community? Founders may, of course, have a choice when starting up: follow the spinout route and benefit from the available support and ecosystem; or go it alone. If they consider the latter, IP ownership issues will need special consideration.

Out of the most popular universities, the founders were the happiest with their experience at ETH Zurich and the University of Cambridge and the least satisfied with University College London and the University of Oxford.


oxford university, start-ups & spin-outs, universities & research bodies