"Counterfeiting" is often assumed to be something that happens in overseas shopping markets and holiday destinations. This short BBC news article demonstrates that counterfeiting is very much present in the UK.
Manchester Police's "Operation Vulcan" continues to monitor activity in the Cheetham Hill area, with notable success such as this seizure of three-quarters of a million pounds' worth of counterfeit logos, ready to be attached to unbranded goods.
Buying a fake bag or item of clothing may feel like a bargain and a victimless crime, but it's big business and is closely allied to other criminal activity such as drug dealing. With a registered trade mark, brand owners are well equipped to enlist the help of HMRC, Trading Standards and the police, to not only cut off the links to organised crime, but also to protect their own goodwill and revenue from genuine products. Our fashion team can help with advice on enforcement and loss prevention.