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Scotland is a hot-bed for medical diagnostics

I read with interest about Scottish Brain Sciences from Edinburgh, teaming up with global health care firm Roche Diagnostics on a series of projects relating to the early detection of neurodegenerative diseases. 

Quite regularly I read about Scottish based medical diagnostics companies and it made me realise how strong we are in Scotland in terms of such companies. With little thought, I can recall companies such as Omega Diagnostics, LumiraDX, Microplate DX, Dxcover, Ohmedics, BioCaptiva, Biotangents and Test Card all based in Scotland, as well as multinational companies such as LifeScan, Cannon Medical and BBI solutions, all with a significant Scottish presence. I never like hearing the term "punching above our weight", but clearly this must be the case in terms of medical diagnostics expertise in Scotland. Perhaps there's something in the water, or should I say that drop of fluid.

Prof Craig Ritchie said "Early detection will be transformative in the way we assess, manage, and conceptualise clinically Alzheimer's disease


biotech, life sciences, medical technologies, yes