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Hydrogen BECCS Innovation Programme Phase 2: projects awarded funding

Congratulations to the recipients of funding from the UK Government's Hydrogen BECCS Innovation Programme. Five organisations, including 4 micro- and small- sized enterprises, have been awarded a total of £21.2 million of funding to deliver commercially viable hydrogen BECCS innovations. Further information on the recipients are provided in the attached link. However, in short they are the following:

1. Compact Syngas Solutions Ltd (CCS), who have developed an advanced gasification process;

2. KEW Projects Limited, who will demonstrate carbon capture technologies and fuel-cell vehicle grade hydrogen production at their Sustainable Energy Centre;

3. CATAGEN Limited, who as a net-zero business is applying thier recirculating-gas reactor technology, known as the ClimaHtech BIOHGEN reactor, to develop a cost-effective method of producing low-carbon biohydrogen;

4. Environmental Power International (UK R&D) Limited (EPi), who has developed a unique pure pyrolysis technology for the treatment of waste and other organic feedstocks; and

5. United Utilities Water Limited, who intends to create a sustainable feed source for the production of hydrogen and graphene using Levidian's LOOP process.

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£21.2 million of funding was awarded for the project demonstration stage of the Programme, with up to £5 million of funding awarded per project. The Phase 2 competition was open to all projects that successfully completed Phase 1 across 3 technology categories: 1. Feedstock pre-processing: the development of low cost, energy and material efficient technologies which will optimise biogenic (including biomass and waste) feedstocks for use in Advanced Gasification Technologies; 2. Gasification components: the development of Advanced Gasification Technology components focusing on improving syngas quality and upgrading for generation of hydrogen; and 3. Novel biohydrogen technologies: the development of novel biohydrogen technologies which can be combined with carbon capture. such as dark fermentation, anaerobic digestion, waste water treatment.

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