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Investment opportunities in space technology

The space sector provides a diversity of investment opportunities, as explained in a recently published report by PwC, in collaboration with the UK Space Agency.  The report provides fascinating reading around the space investment landscape and the UK’s role in this emerging sector.

Space technology is not just about the moon landings or hobby-horses of eccentric billionaires – satellites are estimated to underpin over 18% of the UK’s annual GDP.  This ‘hidden utility’ can be found in technologies such as satellite communications and connectivity, earth observation, and space-based position, navigation and timing.  Many of our day-to-day technologies find their origins, or were optimised, through space-based applications.

Launch costs are dropping, and access to space is widening.  It’s hardly surprising that investors are seeking to capitalise on space technologies at a faster pace – investments have grown, on average, 21% per year since 2015.  The UK is particularly attractive hub for investment, being second only to the US in terms of received funding.

A large part of the immense potential in UK space is driven by unique and innovative technologies, in all aspects of the space sector.  Companies that understand how to best commercialise their technological offering will stand out from the crowd – not only in securing the success and growth of their business, but attracting investment as the company proceeds from seed to series A funding and beyond.

A key ingredient to commercialising technology is protecting your intellectual property.  Having a clear IP strategy, and in particular a patent-filing strategy to protect your company’s key technology, will have a significant impact on growth, investment and long-term success.   Those wishing to know more are invited to download our free e-book, the IP driven start-up.

We at Marks & Clerk LLP are, as always, on hand to answer any questions from start-ups with questions about their IP. 

The global space sector is now worth over $469bn, with 77% accounted for by the commercial market. Analysts project future growth of up to 11% per annum. In total, over $47bn of private capital has been invested across the global space sector since 2015, growing on average 21% per year. The UK has been a key hotspot, receiving 17% of this inflow, making it the second most attractive destination - only behind the US.

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