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Scotland's Video Game industry Powers Up the Potential of Games

I was interested to read about this new game, Power Up!, coming from a collaboration between Dundee's Hyper Luminal Games and the University of Stirling. The game seeks to assist research into the way that people make difficult decisions about sustainable development. Many of us would like to see more sustainable and environmentally friendly development. However, these often come with some form of "trade-off" or impact on other considerations, such as energy supply, health and prosperity.  

This game is interesting in that it seeks to gather evidence for scientific research regarding how players approach the sometimes difficult decision making that is often required when addressing these issues.  

I'm very lucky to be able to help some of Scotland's innovative games companies with intellectual property (IP) advice and see some of the innovation in this area. In a landscape where video games are often criticised for aspects such as violence or encouraging a more sedentary lifestyle, it is great to see that some innovative thinking can harvest the power of games for good.  

New Eco Game Aims To Help Understand Human Decision Making In Climate Change


climate change, digital transformation, data & connectivity, energy & environment, universities & research bodies